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Discover Virtual Team Building Activities at Think Quick Events

Now that you’ve gotten to know Think Quick Events and what makes us different, it’s time to learn more about the virtual team building events we offer and how they help build stronger, more connected teams.

Why is Virtual Team Building So Important?

Let’s start by covering the most basic question – why is virtual team building so important?

First, there’s the obvious: the COVID-19 pandemic has meant we’ve all had to find new ways to connect and work to achieve things together – even when we’re far apart.

But what about beyond the pandemic?

This study from PWC confirms what many of us have been hearing for almost a year now – the workplace as we knew it has changed and remote work is here to stay – while all of us may not be working remotely many of us will be spending less time working at a traditional office.

Remote team building not only provides an opportunity for teams to continue to create connections through the virtual screen, but it also gives employees a reprieve from the constant grind, reducing burnout and low morale.

When we come together to achieve a common goal, like the ones offered through virtual team building experiences, teams can focus on collective thinking and communication, and find new ways to rely on each other – all key things that work together to build team cohesion.

Virtual team building is also a highly accessible form of team building. Whether you are frontline staff or the CEO, virtual team building is an effective, safe, and easily scalable way to provide team building across an entire team, department, or organization.

And we think that’s pretty cool.

Virtual Team Building Event Options at Think Quick Events

Let’s get into the activities you’ll find at Think Quick Events and how they’ve each been specifically designed to boost team morale – which in turn boosts your bottom line.

Digital Escape Room

The Digital Escape Room is Think Quick Events’ flagship offering. It’s our first activity experience that we pivoted to the digital space following the COVID-19 pandemic, and one that teams love to come back to!

In the Digital Escape Room, teams get the full collaborative experience of a traditional escape room just in the digital realm. With cloud-based technology, everyone is able to see the effects of their teammates’ actions in the escape room adventure, just as if they were physically there in person.

Teams can break down into smaller groups and solve the same escape room at the same time to see who can complete their mission first. The best performing teams

are ones who practice active communication and real-time collaboration, encouraging teams to work together and use their individual strengths and abilities to get the job done!

Scramble Scavenger Hunt

More like a game show, the Scramble Scavenger Hunt takes the spirit of physical exploration and discovery in escape rooms and harnesses it into a standalone experience that can keep teams engaged, focused, and of course, having fun!

Teams must use their time wisely as they complete silly challenges together from their own homes or offices, taking screenshots along the way, and finding opportunities to experience joy and build camaraderie and trust. Can everyone show up on screen while wearing something red? Is coordinating a group high five over video really as simple as it sounds? You’ll have to play Scramble Scavenger Hunt together to figure it out. Pics or it didn’t happen!

Code Crackers Puzzle Contest

Which team can compete the most puzzles before the activity timer runs out?

The Code Crackers Puzzle Contest is a virtual team building activity gets teams critically thinking and teaches players to harness the power of diversity of thought. From math problems to verbal brain teasers, no two codes to be cracked are alike!

This activity is specifically designed to help teams learn how to divide and conquer, identify their strengths and prioritize tasks at hand – key skills for project management and task completion in any workplace that are infinitely more fun when practiced in a game environment.

Brain Break Trivia Show

The Brain Break Trivia Show is not your average trivia, in fact, we like to think of it as an enigma. Players must keep their eyes peeled and their minds open to find the answers in this tricky challenge.

What starts off sounding like a question about history becomes about science; a movie question is actually about animals!

 This keeps the whole team engaged and forces players to continually shift their perspective or approach to solve the question at hand, teaching the importance of flexibility and team agility in the workplace.

There’s no need to be subject matter expert in the Brain Break Trivia Show – thanks to a generalist approach, there’s questions that will keep the whole team on its toes!

Learn More About Remote Team Building Activities at Think Quick Events

Ready to get your team together? Reach out to the Think Quick Events team today to request a quote! We’re always ready to help new teams connect and collaborate through the digital screen.

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Jayson Mamaclay